Syntax10.Scn.Fnt InfoElems Alloc Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 18 Nov 94 "Title": InfoElems - a new kind of text elements. "Author": Christoph Steindl (CS) "Abstract": AuthorElems are a new kind of text elements. They are like PopupElems and contain additional information about a text (like title, author, abstract, version, date of creation and date of most recent modification). "Keywords": information about a document, information retrieval "Version": 1.0 "From": 25 Oct 94 "Until": "Changes": "Hints": This text can again contain arbitrary text elements! Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MarkElems Alloc MODULE InfoElems; IMPORT Display, Viewers, Texts, TextFrames, PopupElems, Oberon; icon: Display.Pattern; Elem* = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc* = RECORD (PopupElems.ElemDesc) END; PROCEDURE Handle* (e: Texts.Elem; VAR m: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR e1: Elem; BEGIN WITH e: Elem DO WITH m: Texts.CopyMsg DO IF m.e = NIL THEN NEW(e1); m.e := e1 END; PopupElems.Handle(e, m) | m: Texts.IdentifyMsg DO m.mod := "InfoElems"; m.proc := "Alloc" | m: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF m.prepare THEN e.W := 13 * TextFrames.Unit; e.H := LONG(TextFrames.menuH-1) * TextFrames.Unit; ELSE := ""; PopupElems.Handle(e, m); Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, icon, m.X0+2, m.Y0+2, Display.paint) END ELSE PopupElems.Handle(e, m) END END Handle; PROCEDURE Alloc*; VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; := e; END Alloc; PROCEDURE Insert*; VAR e: Elem; insert: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; Wr: Texts.Writer; t, d: LONGINT; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; := ""; e.small := TRUE; := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.OpenWriter(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Title": no title'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Author": no name'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Abstract": no abstract'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Keywords": no keywords'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Version": no version'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"From": '); Oberon.GetClock(t, d); Texts.WriteDate(Wr, t, d); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Until": no date (use StampElems.Insert)'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Changes": no changes'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteString(Wr, '"Hints": This text can again contain arbitrary text elements!'); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.Append(, Wr.buf); PopupElems.MeasureMenu(e); insert.e := e; Viewers.Broadcast(insert) END Insert; PROCEDURE InitIcon; VAR line: ARRAY 11 OF SET; BEGIN line[10] := {2..7}; line[9] := {1, 8}; line[8] := {0, 3..6, 9}; line[7] := {0, 2, 7, 9}; line[6] := {0, 2, 9}; line[5] := {0, 2, 9}; line[4] := {0, 2, 7, 9}; line[3] := {0, 3..6, 9}; line[2] := {1, 8}; line[1] := {2..7}; icon := Display.NewPattern(line, 12, 10); END InitIcon; BEGIN InitIcon; END InfoElems.